Five missions for transformative development in Brazil: the ABDE 2030 Plan For Sustainable Development

Autor: Karin Costa Vazquez, Cristina Reis, Joao Prates Romero, Fernanda Cimini, Luma Ramos, Márcio Alvarenga

Áreas Temáticas Sustainable Development

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Resumo: In March 2022, the Brazilian Development Association (ABDE) launched the ABDE 2030 Plan for Sustainable Development, featuring public policy proposals to harness USD380 billion in investments by 32 Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) for the imple…

Palavras-chave Brazilian Development Association (ABDE) 2030, Sustainable Development

Data de publicação: 5 de abril de 2023

Tipo/Questão: One Pager

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